How to find more sustainable pet accessories

by Doggy Eco 03/06/2022

Guide, Pet Accessories, Pets & Animal Care, Sponsored Content

This is a sponsored article from member Doggy Eco.

As Australians, we LOVE our pets. In fact, there are over 29 million pets in Australia, with 40% being our favourite…dogs. Our pets have become an inherent part of our lives, sharing in our social outings, our holidays, our fashion, our food and even becoming social media influencers in their own right! With the increase in pet ownership, however, comes an increase in waste associated with pet ownership. Here are some simple solutions that you can implement into your lifestyle that will make a positive difference for the environment.

How To Choose An Eco Friendly Toy

Choosing a toy for your pet is an exciting experience because you know the joy your furry friend will experience with a well-chosen gift. The problem is that NO toy will last forever, and if you have a highly destructive dog, you might be lucky if your toy outlives the first day in your home. One way to minimise this risk is to buy toys made from renewable and recycled materials. This way if your pet does destroy it, you will have the option to recycle it for another use.

Another great way to get the most out of your pet’s toys is to buy multifunction toys. This way you can repurpose the same toy for different uses. The Doggy Eco Crunch N Cuddle is a perfect example of this. The Crunch N Cuddle works as an interactive tug toy, crunch play toy and a cuddle and comfort toy. Choosing multifunction toys can also have the added benefit of saving you money by not having to purchase as many individual-use toys.

If you’re feeling creative, why not try making your pet a toy from products you have lying around the house? There are plenty of YouTube videos you can view to get inspiration for your design and it’s a great way of repurposing items you may have otherwise sent to landfill.

The Problem and Solution for Pet Accessories

Did you know that Australians acquire 27kg of textiles every year and then discard 23kg to landfill annually? These textiles take anywhere from 40 – 1000 years to decompose and produce harmful methane gases during this time. You can make a positive difference to this statistic by thoughtfully choosing your pet’s next accessories.

When choosing collars, harnesses and clothing for your pet, consider what the product is made from and also how the product can be disposed of at the end of its life. Recycled plastic is a strong and durable alternative to traditional polyester for collars, leashes and harnesses. The process of creating recycled plastic yarn also uses less carbon, water and fossil fuels than creating virgin polyester.

Organic cottons, hemps and linens are also fantastic choices for comfortable clothing. Choosing an organic textile means that there have been no pesticides used in the farming of the textile which is a positive outcome for the health of our waterways. You can even get creative and upcycle some of your own preloved clothing and make your pet a unique outfit or bandana.

Effective Food Strategies

Every pup’s gotta eat! We know, plastic packaging for pet foods is unavoidable. It’s needed in order to conserve the freshness and viability of the food. But you do have options! If you are buying treats and kibble for your dog have a look at the label on the product and search for the global recycling symbol or RedCycle Compatible. If you find either of these symbols you are in luck – your packaging can be recycled.

Another great service that some pet brands and pet stores offer, is refillable food buckets for your kibble. Check with your local pet store if this option is available and you can cut out the plastic packaging altogether!

If you make your pet’s food, shop local. Not only does this benefit your local community but it also saves packaging items for transport and cuts down fossil fuels used during transport.

If you use a lot of fruit and veggies in your pup’s meals, why not consider getting a worm farm to dispose of your scraps? Worm farms are a great way to compost and provide nutrient back to the earth and can offer financial benefits with a lot of local councils offering financial incentives for home composting. Check with your local council if they offer this incentive and you may even be able to start worm farming for free!

Your Impact

Finding greener alternatives and making small changes to the choices you make for your pet, can produce lasting change over time. We encourage you to look beyond the immediate use of your pet’s products and ask the question of their lasting impact on the earth. Together we can make a pawsitive difference for climate change!

Sustainable, ethical Bamboozld

by Doggy Eco

This a sponsored post published on behalf of Doggy Eco.