Ashgrove Cheese

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Ashgrove Cheese Sustainability Profile

Ashgrove Cheese is a family-owned business with a rich history dating back to 1908. Operating on the lush plains of Northern Tasmania, the brand is deeply rooted in a commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability. Carrying forward a tradition of farming excellence, Ashgrove Cheese focuses on innovative solutions and partnerships to enhance sustainability efforts and reduce environmental impacts, particularly in addressing plastic waste.

About Ashgrove Cheese

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  • Unverified

Ashgrove Cheese Sustainability Actions

Milk on Tap

Ashgrove Cheese has implemented 'The Udder Way' milk system, providing 'Ashgrove Milk on Tap' as an alternative to traditional packaging. This initiative has significantly reduced the need for plastic milk bottles, preventing thousands from entering landfills.

Ashgrove Cheese Sustainability Commitments


Udder Way Expansion

Ashgrove Cheese is committed to preventing thousands of plastic milk bottles from being discarded into landfill through ongoing expansion and promotion of 'The Udder Way' milk system.

About Ashgrove Cheese

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  • Unverified

Sustainable Development Goals

Ashgrove Cheese is committed to advancing these Global Goals to promote prosperity for people & planet.


This information references and was sourced on 30/11/2023. Is this your business? Suggest an edit