
Foundation Member | Tracking Since September 2022

Carbonhalo Sustainability Actions

Savanna Fire Management Cape York, Australia

One of the projects Carbonhalo and its partner's support help protect the native lands in North Queensland. Strategic fire management minimises the risk of potentially devastating forest fires whilst providing employment and support for local communities.

Paroo River North Native Forest Regeneration, Australia

One of the projects Carbonhalo and its partners support includes the regeneration of 38,000 ha of native forest near Cunnamulla SW QLD. The project also aims to increase biodiversity within the region providing opportunities for the local indigenous community who have native title interests.

Methane Recovery, Netherlands

Carbonhalo and its partners support projects like this one located in the Netherlands (Holland) which generates Biogas by reusing manure and efficient management of manure systems. Replacing the use of Diesel oil for running equipment with the kinetic energy produced from the Biogas.

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