Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI)

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Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) Sustainability Profile

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) is not currently tracking sustainability.

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) is a well-known brand in the outdoor retail industry. With an extensive range of products, REI caters to outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers of all levels. From camping gear to hiking equipment, REI offers high-quality products to meet the needs of outdoor enthusiasts. For more information about REI and their products, please visit their website at

About Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI)

  • Status
  • Unverified

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) Sustainability Actions

While we do not have access to specific information regarding REI's sustainability reports or initiatives, we encourage the brand to reach out to us to claim their profile and provide us with more details. It is important to acknowledge the importance of sustainable practices in today's world, and we look forward to learning more about REI's efforts to minimize their environmental impact and promote responsible business practices.

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) Sustainability Commitments

At this time, we do not have any information regarding REI's sustainability commitments. We are eager to hear from the brand directly to gain insights into their commitment towards sustainability and corporate social responsibility. If you are a representative of REI, please feel free to reach out to us to claim your profile and provide more information about your commitments and efforts.

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) Partnerships

Currently, we are not aware of any partnerships that REI has established in relation to sustainability, ESG, or CSR projects. We encourage REI to inform us about any collaborations they have undertaken to address environmental and social issues. By forging strategic partnerships, brands like REI can drive positive change and contribute to a more sustainable future.

About Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI)

  • Status
  • Unverified

Sustainable Development Goals

REI's alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals is not currently available on our platform. We invite REI to get in touch with us to claim their profile and share valuable information about their contributions toward achieving these global goals. Recognizing the importance of the UN goals, we believe that REI's engagement in sustainable development efforts can create a meaningful impact.

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) Recommends

REI offers a diverse range of outdoor products for various outdoor activities. From camping equipment to hiking gear, customers can find everything they need for their outdoor adventures at REI. While we do not have access to information regarding the sustainability of REI's products, we encourage the brand to provide us with more details to highlight the environmental and social aspects of their offerings.

This information references and was sourced on 19/07/2023. Is this your business? Suggest an edit