Return & Swap Diffuser Range


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Return & Swap Diffuser Range

What makes Return & Swap Diffuser Range Responsible?

CandleXchange allows you to enjoy creating a relaxing & welcoming home environment without cluttering your home or adding the empty containers to landfill. With our unique Return & Swap system, we reuse every empty diffuser container you return, creating zero landfill and making your next candle 30% cheaper! To create a wonderful home ambience the natural & sustainable way, simply: 1. Choose your diffuser fragrance 2. Use your home fragrance and enjoy creating a wonderful home ambience 3. When complete, return the empty container in the post or in a participating store. Please keep your lid to reuse with your new fragrance 4. Save 30% on your next fragrance and start again 5. CandleXchange reuse the containers to make new fragrance

Raw Materials

Return & Swap Diffusers


You can also swap at partner stockists or online at With your help, we plan to prevent 1 million containers and 100 tonnes of packaging waste from entering landfill by 2030.