Emu T-shirt

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Emu T-shirt

What makes Emu T-shirt Responsible?

The emu Is a drawing Zane drew when he was at primary school. I always loved it and framed it to hang in our hallway. When we got the idea of printing Zane's artworks onto tees, this was the first design we printed. The original drawing is done in black charcoal. The emu symbolises empowerment, being fearless, and standing bravely. This T-Shirt is for you if you are self-motivated, goal-driven, kind honest and selfless. If you want to stand in your power and feel more self-confident, make sure you have this T in your wardrobe. The emu is a reminder that it takes hard work to be successful. If you improve your performance you will start to experience changes in all aspects of your life.

Raw Materials

Solar Power


we use green energy, solar power, to run our business

Compostable Packaging


We use compostable mailers, labels, garment bags and eco tape which are great for making nutrient rich compost for your garden