Sustainable Brand Messaging Accelerator


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Sustainable Brand Messaging Accelerator

What makes Sustainable Brand Messaging Accelerator Responsible?

In today's world 80% of consumers say they want to live more sustainably. But in our assessment of 500 self proclaimed 'sustainable brands', less than 15% of brands actually know how to communicate how their products make it easier for consumers to be sustainable. That means most sustainable brands are missing out on sales from eco-conscious consumers. It means that they're missing out on re-engagement from customers who just didn't understand the brand's mission well enough. It means that paid media funnels are bleeding money. Ultimately, it means that as all brands become more sustainable, brands that fail to communicate their compelling mission now are missing out on building an engaged and activating community while they still have a distinctive advantage. The Accelerator is a 10-week done-with-you implementation programme where we design and implement best-in-class sustainability messaging for your brand, and help you roll this out across all your marketing channels