No Poverty

Sustainable Development Goal 1

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Eradicating poverty is not a task of charity, it’s an act of justice and the key to unlocking an enormous human potential. Still, nearly half of the world’s population lives in poverty, and lack of food and clean water is killing thousands every single day of the year. Together, we can feed the hungry, wipe out disease and give everyone in the world a chance to prosper and live a productive and rich life.

Brands Commited to No Poverty

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Latest No Poverty Brand Actions

Underwear For Humanity

B Corp Certified

B Corp Certification confirmed that our community and the environment are stakeholders in our impact-driven business model and our commitment to balancing social and planetary good in everything we do against the highest standards of transparency and accountability. We are now part of a global network of businesses shifting our global economy from a system that profits few to one that benefits all.

Underwear For Humanity

Ethical Manufacturing

We make all of our underwear ethically in China. We ensure safe and respectful working conditions for all our makers. As part of our sustainable fashion practices, we are uncompromising on the materials and processes we use, including regenerated eucalyptus and utilising waste to create recycled items. We invented our own recycled elastic because we could not buy it.

Underwear For Humanity

Indigenous Collaboration

We are deeply disturbed by the treatment and dislocation of Indigenous people from their land. We believe we have an obligation to pay rent to Indigenous people for the land we operate on. 50c from every item purchased with us goes to Indigenous programs. We must all be considering how we can contribute to paying the rent in Australia and we hope that this acknowledgment on our product will spark that conversation and action. What is Pay the Rent? The Pay the Rent Grassroots Collective is an Indigenous organisation that supports Indigenous initiatives, and advocate for the need to ‘Pay the Rent’ in reparation of benefitting from stolen land. All funds given to Pay the Rent are distributed according to the insights and wisdom of the Sovereign Body, who centre the self-determination, social justice and sovereignty of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people in all they do. Some of their projects include contributing toward funeral expenses within Indigenous communities and financial support to those affected by deaths in custody. Additionally we are working with Arakwal people (Byron Bay, our head office) to fund programs of their choice. So far their first program is around protecting and sharing culture, we will post updates when they are ready. But we are very clear that we do not expect anything nor dictate, the money is theirs to use as they see fit. We will share stories because it is healing for all.

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