Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Sustainable Development Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

The Global Goals can only be met if we work together. International investments and support is needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade and market access, especially for developing countries. To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative.

Brands Commited to Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Latest Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Brand Actions

Underwear For Humanity

B Corp Certified

B Corp Certification confirmed that our community and the environment are stakeholders in our impact-driven business model and our commitment to balancing social and planetary good in everything we do against the highest standards of transparency and accountability. We are now part of a global network of businesses shifting our global economy from a system that profits few to one that benefits all.

Underwear For Humanity

Underwear Recycling

Underwear is delicate and worn every single day, and therefore has a limited life with a high turn-over rate. You cannot donate it in Australia, so the only pathway is landfill. With 204 million underwear items being imported into Australia every year that is a lot of waste! We live by our values and exist to create positive change, so we take back our waste, plus other brands! How does it work? Our mail-in underwear recycling system is dedicated to our customers. We would love to take everyone's underwear regardless of purchasing from us, but it costs us approx 42c per pair to recycle and the sale of our underwear covers some of that cost. We are a social enterprise running on low margins and would really love your support to help make this happen. How is underwear recycled? We sort, sanitise and send for shredding. They are then processed to have a second life as carpet underlay or insulation.

Enbacci Skincare

Protect A Woman

As part of our partnership with i=Change, one of the projects we support is Protect a Woman. The Women's Community Shelters experienced a 25% increase in inquiries for safe accommodation for women and children who are homeless or escaping domestic violence during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Existing services were already at full capacity, with more than 50% of women seeking shelter turned away due to a lack of beds. Across Australia, around 56,000 women are homeless each night, many with young children. Now, there are many more. Women unable to access shelters are left vulnerable, disconnected from community and support networks.Women’s Community Shelters is dedicated to providing women and children with a safe place to stay and an opportunity to rebuild their lives. $50 provides a hot meal and a safe, comfortable place to stay for one night.

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